Tuesday, April 22, 2008

EXP2 Week1

Front:Stephen Hawkins Back: jane Goodall

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Week5----Quotes for clients

Jane Goodall

"I didn't see aggression to start with. There's no question that chimpanzees become more aggressive as a result of crowding, as a result of competition for food."

Florence Nightingale

"You ask me why I do not write something.... I think one's feelingswaste themselves in words, they ought all to be distilled into actions and into actions which bring results."

Stephen Hawking

"In science fiction, space and time warps are a commonplace. They are used for rapid journeys around the galaxy, or for travel through time. But today's science fiction, is often tomorrow's science fact."

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Short Vedio Link

This vedio is from PS3 game Assassin's Creed game trail, the reason to upload this vedio is that the setting of this game is in 1191 AD, the environment of game is base on real histry which surraounding by lot of middile east style building. On the other hard, the graphy designers of this game did really good job to express those building, even the details are exremly atractive.
The link is: http://au.playstation.com/games_media/games/ps3/a/assassinscreed.jhtml

Artist's metearials discribtion

Cliff Swallow
The metearial of this piese design is bas on natural dry landscape surface. And the main parts of design is cosisted with ceramics. The appearants of two of them is very similar and interated very well, htat shows the sense of dead, infinity and hopeless.

Patricia Piccinini:family
This is made by computer software, in order to customise the quality of organic, nick, unexist animal form.


week3 sketchup development

Tuesday, April 1, 2008